Architectural Decision Records

This log lists the architectural decisions for

For new ADRs, please use as basis. More information on MADR is available at General information about architectural decision records is available at


  • ADR-0000 - Use Markdown Architectural Decision Records

  • ADR-0001 - Use NX

  • ADR-0002 - Continuous Integration

  • ADR-0003 - CSS

  • ADR-0004 - Branching and release strategy

  • ADR-0005 - Error tracking and monitoring

  • ADR-0006 - What API Management tool to consider

  • ADR-0007 - Viskuausan Static Site Generator

  • ADR-0008 - Use OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect as protocols for Authentication and Authorization

  • ADR-0009 - Unified naming strategy for files and directories

  • ADR-0010 - CMS

  • ADR-0011 - Open source license

  • ADR-0012 - Chart library

  • ADR-0013 - What Feature Flag Service/application Should We Use at

  • ADR-0014 - Logging, monitoring and APM platform

Last updated