Skjalatilkynning API
API that document providers use to submit and maintain document references, along with sending notifications.
Clients (Document Providers) authenticate themselves with OAuth 2.0 Authentication using Client Credentials Grant (
All operations that modify document references can take an array of 1-200 changes at time. They return an array result for each change in the same order as they were entered.
Returns possible categories of documents in Icelandic. Example of categories: Heilsa (e. Health), Skattamál (e. Taxation), Fjármál (e. Financial),...
GET /api/v1/documentindexes/categories
Variable | Type | Description |
[] | String | Document categories that can be used when document reference is registered. |
Returns potential types of documents. Example types: Launaseðill (e. Paycheck), Greiðsluseðill (e. Invoice), Yfirlit (e. Overview/Summary),...
GET /api/v1/documentindexes/types
Variable | Type | Description |
[] | String | Document type that can be used when registering document reference. |
A document provider submits(registers) references to documents. A reference consists of the name of the document, its identifier, owner kennitala (e. icelandic person/corp identity), along with other information. A documentID and kennitala form a unique key pair. An organization may submit more than one reference that are referring to the same document, e.g. when a couple should see the same document. After the operation, the document becomes visible to the user of the web site(
POST /api/v1/documentindexes
Request Body
Array of document references. It‘s possible to submit 1-200 references at a time
Variable | Optional | Type | Description |
kennitala | N | String(10) | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient, that is the one who should see the document. Has to be a valid kennitala. |
documentId | N | String(50) | A unique identifier within a document provider. Used to retrieve a document, when user requests it. |
senderKennitala | N | String(10) | Sender kennitala (usually some institution). (A document provider can represent and register documents for many senders) |
senderName | N | String | Name of the sender. |
authorKennitala | Y | String(10) | Author kennitala (Usually same as the Sender (KennitalaSendanda)) |
caseId | Y | String | Case number within the institution (sender). |
category | N | String(25) | Document category. Only allowed predefined document categories. The operation SaekjaFlokka (e. GetCategories) returns the types that are available. |
type | Y | String(25) | Document type. Only allowed predefined document types. The operation SaekjaTegundir (e. GetTypes) returns the types that are available. |
subType | Y | String | Sub-type, selected by a document provider. |
subject | N | String(80) | Document name or description, free text up to 80 characters. |
documentDate | N | Datetime | Date of document (not publication date). |
publicationDate | Y | Datetime | Indicates when the document should appear to the user. For example, if the publisher wants to submit a reference tor a document to be published at the next month. If nothing is set, the document is displayed immediately. Date Display may not exceed 60 days in advance. |
notifyOwner | Y | Boolean | Optional parameter to request the recipient to be notified that he has a new unread document. Default value is false. |
minimumAuthenticationType | Y | String | Minimum authentication type/strength to open/view the document. The default is LOW. LOW = User/pass SUBSTANTIAL = Two factor authentication (User/Pass and additionally an SMS) HIGH = Client Certificate |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier for the reference within the document provider |
success | Boolean | Successful |
errors[] | String | Error messages (only if success=false). |
Creates a 'hnipp' notification that sends both a push notification and an email to the recipient. Notifications utilize templates to manage the their content. Read more about templates here: Notifications / Hnipp
POST /api/v1/notifications
Request Body
Array of notifications. It‘s possible to submit 1-200 references at a time
Variable | Optional | Type | Description |
kennitala | N | String(10) | Kennitala of the recipient. Has to be a valid kennitala. |
senderKennitala | N | String(50) | Sender kennitala (usually some institution). (A document provider can represent and send notifications for many senders) |
templateId | N | String | An ID referencing a template, the template contains the textual information for the notification in all supported languages. |
templateArguments | - | Object | Arguments that fill in the dynamic portions of a template. Should contain key-value pairs the template requires. Required if the template has arguments. |
publicationDate | Y | DateTime | Indicates when the notification should be pushed to the user. If nothing is set, the notification is queued immediately. |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the recipient. |
success | Boolean | Indicates if the requets was a success |
errors[] | String | Any error messages (only if the request failed). |
Example request
Registering two notifications to different individuals.
Operation to withdraw a document that is no longer available for publication. For example if an error occurred in the document and the document provider wants to disable the document. The reference to the document will not be removed from the user's list, but will be marked as withdrawn. The user sees that it is no longer available for display.
POST /api/v1/documentindexes/withdraw
Request Body
Array of withdrawn references. It‘s possible to withdraw 1-200 references at a time
Variable | Type | Description |
kennitala | String(10) | Owner/recipient kennitala. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier which was used when the document was registered (for the reference within the document provider). |
reason | String | Reason for withdrawal. |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier for the reference within the document provider |
success | Boolean | Successful |
errors[] | String | Error messages (only if success=false). |
POST /api/v1/documentindexes/read
If a document provider has published a document in a location other than, the document can be marked as read. Thus, the user can see that he has opened the document regardless of where he opened it.
Request Body
It‘s possible to mark 1-200 references as read at a time
Variable | Type | Description |
kennitala | String(10) | Owner/recipient kennitala. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier which was used when the document was registered (for the reference within the document provider). |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier for the reference within the document provider |
success | Boolean | Successful |
errors[] | String | Error messages (only if success=false). |
Update Reference
POST /api/v1/documentindexes/updateReference
If the document's publication date has not elapsed, the document provider can change the documents reference.
Request Body
It‘s possible to change 1-200 references at a time
Variable | Type | Description |
kennitala | String(10) | Owner/recipient kennitala. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier which was used when the document was registered (for the reference within the document provider). |
updatedDocumentId | String | The new unique identifier. |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient. |
documentId | String | A unique identifier for the reference within the document provider |
success | Boolean | Successful |
errors[] | String | Error messages (only if success=false). |
Paper Preference
GET /api/v1/paper
A document recipient can register to receive a physical paper document on Returns individuals that wish to receive a physical document.
Query parameters
Variable | Type | Description |
page | Number | Requested page |
pageSize | Number | Item count of the requested page |
Property | Type | Description |
kennitala | String | Kennitala of the document owner/recipient. |
documentId | Boolean | Wants paper |
Last updated